Friday, August 3, 2012

Snack Time: Hummus

Another yummy but healthy snack that I discovered recently is hummus.  It is totally quick and simple.  As I researched how to make it, I came up that every recipe has the same ingredients in common.  The main difference is the proportions.  You can basically adjust the proportions based on your personal taste.

Make sure you have these ingredients in your kitchen:

Garbanzo beans (aka chickpeas)
Tahini (it's like peanut butter, but made out of sesame seeds)
Lemon juice
Salt and/or pepper
Olive oil

I'll give you the basics here, but I would still recommend looking up a recipe with the particular proportions that sound good to you, so that you have a basis where to start.  I've also seen a few variations with extra ingredients, so you might want to try those too. I've tried a few different ones, and then still ended up tweaking it a bit to what tasted good to me.

Mix all ingredients except for the olive oil in a blender or food processor. Transfer to serving dish, then drizzle with olive oil.   Garnish with topping of your choice,  I think I used paprika here.  Other options are parsley, or pine nuts.    Serve with pita bread or veggies. I suggest you give it a try, it's easy peasy, quite delicious and even good for you.

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