Saturday, March 31, 2012

Curtains - Part 2

So I originally bought all this fabric to make curtains for the office. I spent a lot of time trying to decide what I wanted and finally settled on a pattern I liked. Big decision since I am afraid of anything that isn't a solid color. I had not gotten my sewing machine yet so I had to wait until I could use someone elses because after sewing the first set by hand, I was done with that. I was able to make one set for the small window... when we found out the office was going to be a baby's room! So there went my plan... but I really loved the fabric and wanted to use it for something. So I took down the plain cream one in our room and put up the one I had made already. I also made a pillow cover for a pillow my grandma had knitted me. I am glad I got to use it, but now I have all this pretty fabric that I don't know what to do with.
The pillow kind of came out a little lopesided and at first I thought it was my horrible sewing but then I looked at the pillow and it was not knitted as a exact square so overall, I think it came out fairly well.
Anyone have any ideas what else to do with the leftover fabric?

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Memory board

So for this project, I had an old bulletin board which I was tired of looking at. I wanted to make it more homey looking. I'd seen those memory boards with ribbon across, so I thought I would buy some fabric and ribbon and see what I could come up with. I stapled the fabric and ribbon on back. I also used push pins at the corners to keep the ribbon in place.... it was pretty easy. Now that I've had a chance to use it, if I ever made it again, I would make the spaces between the ribbons smaller in order to hold more pictures. The pictures only stay in the corners, so I still have to use push pins to put the amount of pictures that I want up. But overall, it makes my room look just a little bit better.
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